Sermons by Daniel Goepfrich (Page 4)
2 Kings, Week 4 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Kings 10-13 Download the current reading plan at Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
2 Kings, Week 3 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Kings 8-10 Download the current reading plan at Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
2 Kings, Week 2 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Kings 4-7 Download the current reading plan at Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
2 Kings, Week 1 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Kings 1-4 Download the current reading plan at Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
1 Kings, Week 7 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 1 Kings 20-22 Download the current reading plan at Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Signs, Part 6
Passage: John 11:1-44 In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich explored Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from the dead. This miracle was Jesus’ final sign meant to prove that he is indeed the Christ, the Son of God. It’s meant to help us understand that belief in him alone gives us everlasting life. Through this account, Pastor Daniel reminded us that Jesus empathizes with our human experiences, showing that he cares deeply about our pains. Do you believe this? Bumper music, “November”…
1 Kings, Week 6 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 1 Kings 16-19 Download the current reading plan at Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Signs, Part 5
Passage: John 9:1-12 In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich shares the story of Jesus healing a blind man from birth, one that is both profound and amusing due to the layers of human interaction and divine intervention. Jesus used this to again emphasize that he is not just a prophet or a moral teacher; he is the Son of God who performed miracles as signs pointing to his true identity and mission. The blind man’s transformation from darkness to light…
1 Kings, Week 5 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 1 Kings 13-16 Download the current reading plan at Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Signs, Part 4
Passage: John 6:1-21 In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich shares a compelling message from John 6:1-21, focusing on two of Jesus’ miracles: feeding the 5,000 and walking on water. These miracles show Jesus’ divinity and power as the Messiah and Son of God, emphasizing that He can create something from nothing. Pastor Daniel explains that these signs were meant to push our faith to new levels. Jesus tested His disciples to make them realize the limitless possibilities with God. Whether…