Oak Tree Community Church (Page 6)
2 Samuel, Week 6 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Samuel 22-24 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
2 Samuel, Week 5 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Samuel 18-21 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
2 Samuel, Week 4 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Samuel 14-18 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
2 Samuel, Week 3 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Samuel 9-13 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
2 Samuel, Week 2 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Samuel 4-8 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
2 Samuel, Week 1 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 2 Samuel 1-3 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Life Lessons from Abraham, Part 2
Passage: Genesis 11:27 – 12:5 In this message, we dive deeper into the life of Abraham, focusing on his journey of faith and obedience to God. Dr. Daniel Goepfrich emphasizes how Abraham questioned God and sought clarity, yet remained steadfast in his trust. God’s promise to make Abraham into a great nation despite his and Sarah’s old age was a central theme. Despite their doubts, Abraham and Sarah’s faith led them to participate in God’s grand plan. The key takeaway…
1 Samuel, Week 8 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 1 Samuel 28-31 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]
Life Lessons from Abraham, Part 1
Passage: Genesis 11:27 – 12:5 In this message, Pastor Daniel Goepfrich introduces a new series titled “Life Lessons from Abraham.” He explores Abraham’s journey of faith and obedience, emphasizing that it’s never too late to obey God. Despite Abraham’s idol-worshiping past and delayed obedience, God still called him to greatness. Dr. Goepfrich reminds us that our past doesn’t define us and it’s not too late to follow God’s calling. The key takeaway is that it’s never too late to obey…
1 Samuel, Week 7 (S.O.A.P. video)
An introductory video for OTCC S.O.A.P. weekly reading in 1 Samuel 24-27 Download the current reading plan at https://www.oaktreechurch.com/soap Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]