Oak Tree Community Church (Page 13)

Oak Tree Community Church (Page 13)

God | We Believe (Part 2)

In this message, Pastor Daniel explains that God revealed himself and some of God’s important characteristics that impact our lives. Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]

The Bible | We Believe (Part 1)

In this message, Pastor Daniel introduces the “We Believe” series, explores five fundamental truths that are essential in orthodox Christianity, and explains why we believe the Bible must be the authority in our lives. Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]

World Religions and the Bible (Part 5)

Download our app for message notes, online giving, and prayer requests Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.echurchapps.oaktreeccApple – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/oak-tree-community-church/id1090140050?ls=1&mt=8 Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]

World Religions and the Bible (Part 4)

Download our app for message notes, online giving, and prayer requests Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.echurchapps.oaktreeccApple – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/oak-tree-community-church/id1090140050?ls=1&mt=8 Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]