Message Archive (Page 5)

Message Archive (Page 5)

Signs, Part 1

Passage: John 2:1-11 In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich began a new study from the Gospel of John, focusing on the “signs” that Jesus performed. He explained that John’s Gospel is structured around seven miraculous signs that Jesus performed to reveal His divine nature and encourage belief in Him. Dr. Goepfrich emphasized that these are not just miracles but pointers to deeper spiritual truths, beginning with the miracle of turning water into wine. This study will help us understand the…

Life Lessons from Abraham, Part 2

Passage: Genesis 11:27 – 12:5 In this message, we dive deeper into the life of Abraham, focusing on his journey of faith and obedience to God. Dr. Daniel Goepfrich emphasizes how Abraham questioned God and sought clarity, yet remained steadfast in his trust. God’s promise to make Abraham into a great nation despite his and Sarah’s old age was a central theme. Despite their doubts, Abraham and Sarah’s faith led them to participate in God’s grand plan. The key takeaway…