Message Archive (Page 2)

Message Archive (Page 2)

Unlikely (Christmas) Heroes, Part 2

Passage: Luke 2:8-20 In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich examines the life of shepherds in first-century Israel, explaining why that is important to the Christmas story. He offers four traits that the shepherds showed proving their faithfulness to the good news that God gave them and encourages us to build those same traits into our lives as well. Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]

Unlikely (Christmas) Heroes, Part 1

Passage: Matthew 1:18-25; 2:12-23 This is the first of three messages exploring some “heroes” of the Christmas story. In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich walks us through several events in which Jesus’ adoptive father, Joseph, followed God without a word. His example shows us that simple obedience may just be the highest form of heroism. Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]

Finding the Real Jesus, Part 8

Passage: Matthew 16:16 In this final message of our study, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich examines Jesus’ current and future ministries. Jesus didn’t return to heaven and take a vacation; he continues to work on our behalf. Our salvation is secure not just because of what Jesus did, but also because of what He continues to do. And in the future, he will judge every person in full righteousness and wisdom, rule his people perfectly, and lead us into eternity. Bumper music,…

Finding the Real Jesus, Part 7

Passage: Matthew 16:16 In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich focuses on Jesus’ death and resurrection. His death demonstrated His humanity, while his resurrection confirmed his power over death. This truth offers us hope, knowing that Jesus triumphed over death itself, paving the way for our salvation. A key theological concept discussed was the Hypostatic Union, the perfect blend of Jesus’ human and divine natures. Understanding this equips us to appreciate the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice as more than a historical…

Finding the Real Jesus, Part 6

Passage: Matthew 16:16 In this message, Dr. Daniel Goepfrich explains what Jesus taught and what he did, and we see the various audiences Jesus engaged with. Jesus’ message emphasized the Gospel of the Kingdom, His identity, and His teachings through parables. He did miracles, both to fulfill Messianic prophecy and out of compassion. Finally, Pastor Daniel challenged us to assess our personal pursuit of Jesus and whether we are directing our efforts toward those ready to grow in their relationship…