Message Archive (Page 11)

Message Archive (Page 11)

End Times | We Believe (Part 10)

In this message, Pastor Daniel Goepfrich reviews the rules for interpreting prophecy and surveys the major events that will happen in the end times. Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]

The Church | We Believe (Part 8)

In this message, Philip Stroup reviews some key differences between Israel and the Church and helps us understand what the Church is and what we are supposed to do. Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]

Holy Spirit | We Believe (Part 7)

In this message, Pastor Gary Day explores the work of the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible and makes some important application for Christians today. Bumper music, “November” by Limujii [FTUM Release]